- Donor Story
Donors Downsize and Save Money by Using Care Share
Jennifer and Karl of Burlington, Vermont like to do good things for their local community. When those good deeds involve saving money, then the decision makes itself. They chose to donate their car to charity through Good News Garage after running an analysis of the cost savings they would see by downsizing to one car. “We did the research and found we could save at least $2,500 a year,” said Karl. According to an article from CNN Money, the annual cost including gas is much higher. “Between gas, maintenance, fees, and insurance, the average cost to owners was $4,375 per vehicle.”

For the few times a year when they need a second vehicle, the couple said they plan to utilize CarShare Vermont. The CarShare Vermont service has proven valuable for people who don’t want to carry the costs of owning a car year ‘round – insurance, registration, maintenance, gas, etc. – when they’ll only need it occasionally. CarShare Vermont has a fleet of vehicles to choose from for various chores and tasks, including all-wheel drive cars with ski and bike racks, hybrid cars, a pickup truck, and even a 100% electric Nissan Leaf named Sparky. What’s more? They’re a 501(c)(3) nonprofit with a mission “to provide an affordable, convenient, and reliable alternative to private car ownership that enhances the environmental, economic, and social wellbeing of our region and planet.” Jennifer and Karl have found a win-win-win situation by donating a life-changing car to a local family in need, saving money, and supporting two local nonprofits. One could also argue that they’re reducing their environmental impact as well.
Even if you don’t live in the Chittenden County, Vermont area, chances are there’s a car-share program near you. For more information on CarShare Vermont, visit their website at https://www.carsharevt.org