Stacks of used car tires

    Donating Used Tires in New England

    A set of car tires can be a considerable expense for drivers. On average, a set of four new car tires costs over $600. If they are lightly used and in good condition, you may be interested in donating used tires to help a neighbor in need.

    Your Tire Donation Options

    This is a list of options for donating tires in New England. Overall, we have found that tire donation options are somewhat limited.

    Please leave a comment or send us a message if we’ve missed any donation options in this area. Our goal is to make this as comprehensive as possible.

    Auto Shops, Garages and Mechanics

    Some automotive repair shops and mechanics will accept used tires in good or fair condition. This can be an easy and free way to get rid of tires you no longer need. The shop or mechanic may resell your old tires to a customer for a small profit. Customers looking to save money by purchasing used tires can benefit from your donation, and it can support a local business.

    Wheels for Warmth Event in Vermont

    In Vermont, the annual Wheels for Warmth event accepts donations of used tires as a way to raise funds for heating assistance. This event takes place every October. There are several tire drop-off sites located around the state. If the donated tires have tread remaining and can be reused, there is no cost to the donor. Tires that cannot be reused are recycled for a small fee. Reusable tires are inspected and sold at a very modest price to anyone looking for an affordable set for their car, with a limit of two sets (8 tires) per family or household. Check the Wheels for Warmth website for details about drop-off locations and dates. We have not found any similar events or fundraisers for tire donation in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, or other New England states.

    Post an Online Listing

    Online communities and message boards can be a great way to find a new home for your unneeded tires. An ad for tires with “free” in the headline should get some attention on Facebook Marketplace, Craigslist, or a similar website, assuming the tires are in decent condition. Similarly, message boards like Front Porch Forum can help connect you with a neighbor looking for tires.

    Word of Mouth

    Ask around within your social networks and any community groups to see if someone needs used tires. Churches, senior centers, Rotary clubs, and other community groups may prove helpful.

    Who Doesn’t Accept Donated Tires?

    Salvage and Junk Yards

    Many salvage yards have stopped accepting used tires because of how quickly they accumulate. Many do not find the market for used tires to be active or lucrative enough to justify collecting tires. Check with your local salvage yard to see if tire donation is an option.

    Goodwill and Many Thrift Stores

    We checked the Goodwill website and found that donations of car tires and other car parts are NOT accepted. Most thrift and resell stores are unlikely to accept tire donations for many of the reasons we’ve already discussed: not enough storage space, lack of consumer interest, and disposal costs.

    Good News Garage

    Although we accept all types of donated vehicles, Good News Garage cannot accept tire donations. We wish we could, but unfortunately, space is very limited at our two offices. It can take a long time to find a vehicle that’s a match for some donated tires. If a match cannot be found, there is a cost to recycling the tires.

    If you’re donating a car to Good News Garage and you have a spare set of tires for the car, like snow tires, you can leave them inside the car when you donate.

    Tire Recycling

    If you need to dispose of a single tire or a set of tires, most states require them to be recycled. According to the EPA, 48 states currently have laws written to address scrap tire management; See its list here. Recycling small quantities of tires can be done at most municipal dumps or transfer stations. If you have a large number of tires, you may need to go to a special facility.

    The rubber that tires are made from can be repurposed into new products, keeping it out of a landfill. If you’ve ever visited the Good News Garage offices, you may have taken home a jar opener made from recycled tires! That’s just one of the many products made from recycled rubber.

    Donate a Car, Tires Included!

    Take it a step further than donating just tires. Car donations are a great way to help your neighbors who are facing transportation barriers move forward in their lives. Car donations are typically tax-deductible, too, and the donor can receive a deduction up to the car’s fair-market value! Just make sure the organization you donate your car to gives donated cars back to people in need, as we do here at Good News Garage. The majority of organizations that accept car donations sell 100% of the donations they receive and use the proceeds. Organizations like Good News Garage try their best to recycle your car, tires and all, by making repairs and awarding it to someone in need.